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How to Execute Instant Sales with Push Notifications

Reaching your business customers is all about understanding where they are. One way to really connect deeply with business clients and increase your m-commerce sales is a push notification.

Push notifications enable you to reach out customers wherever they’re located, for engaging with the app and leading to the correct offer.

Push notifications serve as a powerful reminder of the brand and drive instant sales.

Smartphone notifications are more than just texts, email or messages. iOS and Android app developers use this feature for alerting users for content updates, important messages and other elements of the mobile app. Such notifications are deployed by different categories of apps, from gaming to social networking and all in between.

Push notifications can range across sound,  onscreen alerts, or even badges or a blend of these. Users can choose how to be to be notified regarding the updates.



Why Push Notifications Can Boost Sales

If the  marketing strategy  focuses on a mobile element, and many effective strategies often, don’t overlook this strategy

Push notifications have proven to time-tested and effective.

GPI’s Good Push Index estimates higher mobile open rates by 26% and retention rates by 92% through the use of push notifications. The end result of this research which analyzed 2,400 apps and 500 million push notifications also found it generated income for businesses through an increase in active, engaged users.

The only catch? The user must opt-in to receive app notifications. But it gets easier, with average opt-in rates at 46% for online retail industries.  A big part of users can be converted into subscribers.

App publishers can then message clients through smartphones. These are known as push notifications quite simply because publishers initiate updates as opposed to customers seeking them. Top companies like ASUS, Walmart, and Debenhams use this form of mobile marketing to boost e-commerce sales. Studies show 3x times more engagement through apps.

Push notifications raise engagement and retention to incredible heights.  Xtify carried out a study which found push notifications were better than email.  Open rates for push notifications ranged across 30% to 60%, and interaction rates were pegged at  40%. In complete contrast, the average open rates for emails is 20%, and CTR is only 5.4%.

On average, push notifications are 2x times more effective as compared to electronic mail campaigns.

Push notifications trigger sales. Research shows 50% of the individuals who sign up for push notifications are eager to gain access to special or even exclusive offers. So, your business can generate qualified leads.

 Localystics found push notifications saw conversion rates of 54% convert from segmented push as against only 15% for broadcast messages.

This indicates a 300% better likelihood of sales if push notifications are used.  to convert if you use your analytics or segment your messages.

Email Versus Push Notifications

 Xtify’s massive open and CTR rates for push notifications are way better than Silverpop’s finding of average open rates of 20% for emails. Some providers have even reported 90% open rates for push notifications. Push notifications also work better for driving sales when you seek to build your mobile app for boosting business sales.

Average opt-in rates are as high as 50% in media and 35% in games. So your brand needs to manage expectations. For those downloading apps, bear in mind about 35% at least will let you reach them through push notifications.

Executing Instant Sales

The Right Time

One of the most important features of push notifications is that they should be timed right. It’s not the right time to send a notification at 2 or 3 am. No customer would be interested in buying from you at such an hour. Offer Value

Always send push notifications when it matters. People use apps and provide value to customers only in the event of this. Updates can spark user interactions. Avoid Being Pushy

Push notifications are helpful, provided brands don’t overdo it. Constant communication can become overkill for customers who may get annoyed and turn off the notifications in retaliation.

Give Customers the Choice

It is the customers who always have the choice. Always seek permission before sending push notifications or users will be angry enough to uninstall your app. To facilitate opt-ins, do the following:

Ask individuals to opt-in the moment they install the app. Present benefits of opting in cogently and comprehensively. People will only subscribe if they stand to gain something.

Understand what users want from your app. This may be recommendations, special offers, fashion advice or even discounts. Use analytics to understand what customers seek. The more specific your app messages, the more customers will benefit and respond to your brand. Give options regarding the notifications they can receive from deals to company news and updates. Never spam subscribers or overload them with information. Always allow users to edit preferences. This ensures users are in control. When you develop a mobile app, make sure push notifications have an opt-out feature as well, so users don’t end up uninstalling the app. Make it easy to turn off notifications and implement custom push sounds for raising open rates. The sound of push notifications will be easily recognized then,  and this will create more interest in checking messages. Use badge counts and allow users to keep track of notifications.

Final Word

So, this sums up how push notifications can boost sales. For an app developer who understands the value of effective push notifications, contact Sankalp. Their skilled mobile app development team offers awesome applications with push notifications and other future-proof features as well. Sankalp is skilled at Ionic app development. If you want an app with state-of-the-art ionic 4 features and push notifications, be sure to contact this mobile app development

Also Read: Ionic 4 What’s New in It and How to Migrate from Its Older Versions

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