Mobile app

The Complete & Definitive Guide to Business Growth Through Mobile Apps

If you think mobile app development is only feasible for big players and corporate conglomerates, think again! Even the smallest of businesses are utilizing the benefits of on-demand mobile apps for their company. Mobile and smartphone usage has become essential for productivity and progress. For one thing, a majority of your users are on smartphones.

Whether it’s Apple iOS or Google Android, India has become the number one player in mobile app development, according to mobile analytics company App Annie. The country also leads in terms of the number of mobile app downloads for Q1 of 2018. Build a mobile app, and you’ll boost your chances of growth.



By successfully launching an app, your business can gain so many benefits:

1 Generate More Sales

Apps can be used to sell products. Having a mobile-friendly website is needed but remember that you must also watch out or you’ll end up scratching the surface with sales. Apps can outperform mobile-friendly sites in every category. Further, apps can eliminate checkout process friction.

Customers can store payment methods as well as shipping information, allowing them to check out in a couple of clicks. So many top companies today have benefited from the app revolution. Mobile app development has even started the e-commerce movement, with top retailers like Amazon giving special importance to smartphone apps for shoppers.

Handy apps also make shopping and transactions easier. Better reach, geo-targeted technologies like geo-fencing and beacon pave the way for location-based marketing and help marketers to engage customers in a contextual way. When it’s time to expand the customer base, app analytics can help.

2 Boost Customer Loyalty and Retention

On-demand mobile apps help brands to stay in front of the customer’s eyes and grab mind as well as wallet share. Visibility is a major part of the branding and mobile apps can help you to showcase your products and services in the best way possible. Mobile apps can also boost website traffic to a massive extent. When it comes to digital marketing and traffic boosting, a mobile presence is invincible. A mobile app is downloaded and installed by users consciously and if found helpful, it attracts attention and creates loyal customers.

3 Improve Operational Effectiveness and Cost-Efficiency

Mobile apps are not just for targeting customers. Apps can be used to help businesses with in-house operations, communication and lowering the cost.  Research shows engaged employees can double your business net income as against those with low engagement rates. Brands with high employee engagement grow profits up to 3x times that of the competition. Additionally, employees are less likely to leave their business. Documentation, research, and internal communication are also improved. Everything from work orders to inventory management, time sheets, and inspection records receive a boost.

By launching a mobile app, you can also cut down on operational costs and make processes efficient.

4 Monetize Your App

Using the benefits of your app store and on-demand mobile apps to drive conversions for subscription-based models can also boost business growth. Subscription apps offer premium content. Different rates can be charged depending on the type of content offered. Increase revenue streams and grow exponentially from there. Apps can boost not just retention, but conversion rates too.

5  Create On-Demand Apps For Marketing

Top app-based businesses that are thriving include leading brands like Grubhub, Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb. These are newer companies thriving with business models. Apps can also double up as marketing tools, integrating easily with social media sites. With a single tap, customers can share experiences with their network or the company. On-demand mobile apps also come equipped with push notifications and alerts so your company knows all about special events for prospects and customers.

6 Increase Market Reach & Improve Content Accessibility

Mobile shopping is 1.8x times more common than desktop shopping. Customers on apps buy more and this adds to business revenue. Content such as your marketing messages also become easily accessible.

7  Timeline & Cost for Building an App

A common error is assuming mobile app development is time-consuming and costly. It is neither of those if you choose a top mobile app company. Simplify the app building process by hiring a top app development firm.


So, whether it’s improving market reach, boosting visibility or customer and employee engagement, a quality mobile app will never let you down. Choose top app development company, IT powerhouse Sankalp for the most well designed and intricately developed apps, and gift your business the ultimate driver for growth.



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